
As an employer The Equality Act places a duty on you to ensure that any employee with a disability is able to perform effectively. If necessary, you must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure that any disabled job applicants or employees are not disadvantaged by their workplace or working practices.

Reasonable adjustments involve taking steps to remove or prevent the obstacles a disabled job applicant or worker faces to ensure that they are not disadvantaged. These could include:

  • adapting the workplace or the working environment;
  • making some changes to how work is organised;
  • ensuring that information is provided in accessible formats;
  • providing specialist equipment such as assistive digital technology;
  • offering specialist training and support to use these;
  • providing more flexible employment – including part-time hours and a phased return to work.

Access to work

Access to Work is a publicly funded employment support program that aims to help more disabled people start or stay in work. It can provide practical and financial support if you have a disability or long term physical or mental health condition.

To learn more about the Access to Work scheme, Click Here